Ochratoxin A contamination in coffee
Coffee is one of the most valuable primary
products in world trade, being second in value only to oil as a source
of foreign exchange to developing countries. Its cultivation,
processing, trading, transportation and marketing provide employment for
millions of people worldwide. Any disruption to trade in coffee would
have major and direct negative implications for the livelihoods of rural
populations in many developing countries.
Around 2000, there was increasing international
attention to the problem of ochratoxin-A (OTA) contamination in coffee
and its public health implications. OTA is one of several naturally
occurring toxins, known as mycotoxins, which are produced by moulds that
grow on crops in the field or in storage. OTA present in green coffee
is not completely eliminated during the coffee roasting process.
Regulatory authorities in some coffee importing
countries initiated work on the development of proposed maximum levels
of OTA contamination in green coffee. Coffee producing countries and
the international coffee industry recognized the need to address this
public health problem but argued that the proposed limits were stricter
than could be justified on the basis of scientific evidence and, that if
applied as proposed, could lead to unjustified rejections with
consequent negative economic and social impacts on millions of coffee
farmers and small traders world-wide.
FAO, in close collaboration with the International
Coffee Organization (ICO), and with funding from the Common Fund for
Commodities (CFC), launched a 5-year project in 2001 with the main focus
of assisting countries to develop national capacities for minimising
OTA contamination of green coffee. Implementation partners included
national institutes in Brazil, Colombia, Côte d'Ivoire, Ecuador, France,
India, Indonesia, Kenya and Uganda.
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