Sabtu, 28 Desember 2013

Harga Kopi Mulai Pahit

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, MEDAN -- Asosiasi Eksportir Kopi Indonesia (AEKI) memperkirakan, sampai akhir tahun ini harga kopi akan berada di kisaran 3 hingga 4 dolar AS per kilogram. Pahitnya harga kopi ini, katanya, membuat nilai ekspor kopi tahun ini diprediksi sama seperti tahun lalu, yakni sekitar 2 miliar dolar AS.

"Tahun lalu harganya sempat mencapai angka 9 dolar AS per kilogram. Meski nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dolar AS melemah, eksportir belum menikmatinya," kata Wakil Ketua Asosiasi Eksportir Kopi Indonesia (AEKI) Sumatera Utara, Saidul Alam.

Beruntung, volume ekspor kopi meningkat sekitar 5 persen menjadi sekitar 556.500 ton dibandingkan dengan tahun lalu mencapai 530.000 ton. Meski kenaikan volume ekspor kopi hanya naik tipis, namun cukup membantu kinerja nilai ekspor kopi.(ers)

Sabtu, 07 Desember 2013

Kendaraan Oprasional yang PAS untuk Keliling Perkebunan Kopi - Sebagai generasi penerus CRF sang Honda penggaruk tanah dan lumpur, untuk model 2014 hadirlah Honda CRF125F terbaru. Belum lama ini Honda memang meluncurkan motor trail yang masih satu line-up dengan CRF80F dan CRF100F ini.

Honda CRF125F 2014

Di luar negeri Honda CRF125F untuk model 2014 ini dibanderol dengan harga sekitar US$ 2,799 atau setara dengan Rp 28,7 jutaan (versi standar dengan velg depan - 14 inci dan belakang 17 inci). Sedang untuk varian lain dengan velg depan 16 inci dan belakang 19 inci dibanderol dengan harga sekitar US$ 3,199 atau setara dengan Rp 32,8 jutaan.

Honda CRF125F 2014

Harga yang sangat terjangkau untuk sebuah motor trail baru ini tidak terlepas dari proses produksinya yang diintegrasi di negeri Tirai Bambu, China. Dengan demikian Honda selangkah lebih memahami para pecinta dunia off-road ro-da dua khususnya bagi para bikers pemula. Uniknya, motor trail Honda ini dilengkapi dengan starter elektrik.

Honda CRF125F 2014 - Handle bar - Electric starter

Honda CRF125F ini menganut mesin silinder tunggal, SOHC, 2-valve, berpendingin udara, 4-percepatan, dengan pemasok bahan bakar karburator.

Berikut spesifikasi lengkap Honda CRF125F 2014 (situs resmi Honda):

Honda CRF125F 2014

  • Engine Type: 124.9cc air-cooled single-cylinder four-stroke
  • Bore And Stroke: 52.4mm x 57.9mm
  • Compression Ratio: 9.0:1
  • Valve Train: SOHC; two-valve
  • Max. Power: 6,6 kW @ 7000 rpm
  • Max. Torque: 10,2 Nm @ 4500 rpm
  • Induction: 20mm piston-valve carburetor
  • Ignition: DC-CDI
Honda CRF125F 2014 - Final Drive - Brake

  • Transmission :Four-speed
  • Final Drive: 13T/49T
Honda CRF125F 2014 - Front Brake

  • Front Suspension: 31mm telescopic fork; 5.9 inches of travel
  • Rear Suspension: Pro-Link single-shock; 5.9 inches of travel
  • Front Brake: 220mm hydraulic disc
  • Rear Brake:Drum
  • Front Tire: 70/100-19
  • Rear Tire: 90/100-16
Honda CRF125F 2014 - Tail - Exhaust

Jumat, 06 Desember 2013

Why and how coffee is roasted? (cafebritt)

Why and how coffee is roasted?

The coffee plant produces a raw fruit or cherry that is harvested when ripe.  Once the pulp is removed from the cherry a seed or bean is left which is then dried.  This bean is called a green bean and must be roasted before consumers use it to brew coffee.

During the roasting process the natural sugars, fats and starches that are within the coffee beans are emulsified, caramelized and released when exposed to high temperatures.  Roasting methods vary and help determine the flavor of the final brewed cup of coffee.  But, it is important to know that the roast alone does NOT determine the overall coffee taste or quality.  The origin and quality of the beans are the true factors that determine the characteristics of a particular coffee.

Our Roasting Process

Perfect coffee roasting is an art form that must be perfected over many years. There are many important variables that must be considered when roasting coffee including origin, moisture content, age of the green (unroasted) coffee bean, and even the weather! Even the slightest mistake can ruin the flavor of the delicate beans. Roastmasters use sound, sight and smell to determine when the beans are roasted to perfection. Timing is everything.

We roast coffee beans in small batches, making sure that the beans are consistent in shape and size so that they roast evenly. First, the beans are placed in the roaster at a temperature above 400°F (204°C). A “POP!” sound indicates the beans are about to reach the ideal roasting and the process speeds up. They are constantly rotated inside the drum to achieve a consistent roast.  The beans are checked every few seconds until our experts see that they are the perfect color, size, surface texture and smokiness depending on the type of roast we’re creating.  When the desired result is achieved, the beans immediately travel to a cooling chamber to stop the process.  The smell of the freshly roasted coffee is captivating!

After the coffee is cooled, it is taken into the cupping room where it is tasted to ensure that it meets our flavor profile.  Once approved, the coffee is immediately packaged to protect it from oxygen, sunlight and water, all of which can alter the taste of the beans.

Kamis, 05 Desember 2013

Ekspor Kopi Kab. Bandung Rambah Amerika

SOREANG (–Potensi pengembangan tanaman kopi di Kabupaten Bandung sangat besar untuk diekspor ke luar negeri. Anggota Koperasi Sunda Hejo Kabupaten Bandung Egi Maya Kurnia mengatakan pihaknya sudah dua tahun terakhir melakukan ekspor kopi ke Sran Francisco Amerika 100-200 ton kopi per bulan.

“Sebenarnya kebutuhan kopi di wilayah tersebut masih sangat besar hingga 1.000 ton per bulan. Akan tetapi, kami hanya bisa mengekspor masih dalam jumlah sedikit,” kata Egi kepada wartawan belum lama ini. Selain Amerika, pasar ekspor kopi luar negeri masih terbuka lebar, Eropa. Menurutnya, kualitas kopi asal Kabupaten Bandung masih baik dibanding kualitas kopi Aceh.

“Kopi yang dikembangkan di sini rerata masih banyak berjenis Arabika dan bagus dikembangkan,” ujar Egi. Perkebunan kopi rakyat di Kabupaten Bandung tersebar di beberapa kecamatan a.l di Kertasari, Pacet, Pangalengan, Pasirjambu, Ciwidey, dan Rancabali. Penyebaran perkebunan kopi tersebut mencapai 400 hektare. Namun demikian, Egi mengeluhkan dukungan pemerintah dalam mengembangkan komoditas kopi masih cukup rendah sehingga pemasaran kurang begitu optimal.

“Seperti melakukan sertifikasi terhadap bibit kopi unggulan dari Kabupaten Bandung atau melakukan sosialisasi mengenai keuntungan menanam kopi kepada masyarakat pemerintah masih kurang,” ungkap Egi. Dia menjelaskan sertifikasi bibit sangat penting dilakukan oleh pemerintah. Dengan begitu, memberikan jaminan terhadap kualitas produk saat dipasarkan.(k29/ija)

Peluang Ekspor Biji Kopi Kabupaten Bandung Terbuka Lebar

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SOREANG -- Pasar ekspor biji kopi Kabupaten Bandung masih terbuka lebar. Selain kualitas kopi yang bagus dan diperhitungkan, banyak kecamatan di Kabupaten Bandung yang cocok untuk ditanami kopi. Upaya pemerintah untuk mendorong pengembangan kopi dinilai belum maksimal. Sehingga, peluang yang ada belum ditangkap secara maksimal.

Anggota Koperasi Sunda Hejo Rancamanyar, Kabupaten Bandung, Egi Maya Kurnia, mengatakan, peluang ekspor kopi ke Amerika serikat dan Eropa, hingga saat ini masih terbuka luas. Bahkan, peluang ekspor kopi mencapai 500 hingga 1000 ton per bulannya. "Kebutuhan kopi di luar negeri masih sangat besar, seharusnya peluang seperti ini tidak boleh disia-siakan," ujarnya saat dihubungi, Jumat (12/4).

Egi mencontohkan, saat ini Koperasi Sunda Hejo mampu mengekspor 100 hingga 200 ton biji kopi kualitas terbaik. Koperasi Sunda Hejo mengekspor ke Kota San Francisco, Amerika Serikat. Pihaknya sudah berkosentrasi mengembangkan tanaman kopi selama dua tahun.
"Kami baru mampu di jumlah 100 sampai 200 ton. Sebenarnya, kalau ada pengembangan lahan dan dibantu pemerintah, bisa lebih tambah lagi," katanya.

Egi mengatakan, selain pasar ekspor ke Amerika Serikat, peluang ekspor kopi dari Kabupaten Bandung ini masih terbuka luas ke negara-negara lainnya. Terutama negara-negara Eropa. Apalagi, kata dia, kualitas kopi dari Kabupaten Bandung ini, jauh di atas produk kopi dari Nigeria, ataupun kopi dari Gayo, Aceh.
"Selain pasar Amerika Serikat sebagai tujuan ekspor. Pasar ekspor ke Eropa juga terbuka luas. Ini tinggal kesiapan dan kemauan kita untuk mengisinya," ujarnya.

Selama ini, kata Egi, pertanian kopi di Kabupaten Bandung, lebih banyak mengembangkan jenis Linies (Arabika). Jenis kopi ini memiliki kualitas baik dan sesuai dengan iklim serta geografis wilayah Kabupaten Bandung. Sehingga, sangat cocok untuk terus dikembangkan.

"Perkebunan kopi rakyat di Kabupaten Bandung tersebar di beberapa kecamatan. Seperti di Kecamatan Kertasari, Pacet, Pangalengan, Pasirjambu, Ciwidey dan Rancabali. Luasan perkebunan lebih dari 400 hektare. Potensi perluasan kebunnya pun masih memungkinkan," katanya.

Meski potensi pertanian kopi di Kabupaten Bandung ini cukup luas, kata Egi, dorongan dan dukungan dari pemerintah sangat kurang. Padahal, pemerintah bisa mengambil peran lebih. Seperti melakukan sertifikasi terhadap bibit kopi unggulan dari Kabupaten Bandung.

Dengan sertifikasi, memberikan jaminan terhadap kualitas produk saat dipasarkan. "Contohnya di Jawa Tengah ada sertifikasi yang

dikeluarkan pemerintahnya untuk pohon jati, dengan nama Jati Unggul Nusantara, kita juga bisa melakukannya untuk kopi," ujarnya.

Selain itu, kata Egi, pemerintah juga bisa melakukan sosialisasi mengenai keuntungan menanam kopi kepada masyarakat. Pemerintah juga bisa berperan memberikan bantuan bibit. Pemanfaatan lahan kritis dan tidak terpakai, bisa dilakukan untuk mengembangkan luas kebun kopi.
"Kan banyak juga tanah cari desa atau lahan tidur lainnya yang bisa dipakai. Selain itu, pola kemitraan juga dapat meningkatkan derajat para buruh tani menjadi petani. Dengan begitu, otomatis dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat," katanya.

Source :  
REPUBLIKA ONLINE - Jumat, 12 April 2013, 18:27 WIB

Perubahan Profile Waktu dan Suhu saat Meroasting Kopi


Green coffee beans provide neither the characteristic aroma nor the taste of a cup of coffee. To reveal their flavour, green coffee beans need to be roasted. Roasting is one of the most important steps in coffee processing that leads to the development of the desired aroma, taste, and color of the final brewed product. In general, the use of roasting temperature of greater than 200oC is required in order to result in desirable chemical, physical, structural, and sensorial changes in the coffee beans (Schenker 2000; Schenker et al. 2002; Baggenstoss et al. 2008).

The time and temperature conditions applied during roasting have a major impact on the physical and chemical properties of roasted coffee beans. Geiger et al. reported that CO2, a by-product formed due to Strecker reactions and the degradation of organic compounds, increased greatly towards the end phase of a high-temperature-short-time process (260oC, 170 s), while the CO2 formed was much lower when a low-temperature-long-time (228oC, 720s) process was employed (Geiger et al. 2005). Schenker et al. found that roasting process that involved a ramping temperature profile (150 to 240oC in 270 s; 240oC for 55 s) resulted in the formation of a greater quantity of aroma volatiles than a low-temperature-long-time process (isothermal heating at 220oC for 600 s) (Schenker et al. 2002). Baggenstoss also reported that high-temperature-short-time roasting led to beans of lower density, higher volume, less roast loss, and lower moisture content as compared to the low-temperature-short time process (Baggenstoss et al. 2008). Lyman et al. roasted green coffee beans under various process conditions to study the effect of roasting on brewed coffee (Lyman et al. 2003). Using a medium roast process (6.5 min to the onset of the first crack and 1.0 min to the onset of the second crack), Lyman et al. observed that coffee of balanced taste and aroma with citrus flavour was produced. However, using the so-called “sweated process” (4.5 min to the first crack and 6.5 min to the second crack), coffee beans of non-uniform bean color with “sour, grassy, and underdeveloped” were resulted. In comparison, the “baked process” (11 min to the first crack and 18 min to the second crack) produced coffees that were “flat, woody with low brightness and acidity” (Lyman et al. 2003). Based on the these observations, one can conclude that the quality of roasted coffee does not solely depend on the physical parameters at the start and end point of roasting, but rather it is dependent on the time-temperature conditions applied during the roasting process. 

Source : Physicochemical Changes of Coffee Beans During Roasting

Fadillah Satria

Rabu, 04 Desember 2013

Coffee Roasting Mass Production

Coffee Roasting

Process Description

The coffee roasting process consists essentially of cleaning, roasting, cooling, grinding, and packaging operations. Figure 9.13.2-1 shows a process flow diagram for a typical coffee roasting operation. Bags of green coffee beans are hand- or machine-opened, dumped into a hopper, and screened to remove debris. The green beans are then weighed and transferred by belt or pneumatic conveyor to storage hoppers. From the storage hoppers, the green beans are conveyed to the roaster. Roasters are typically horizontal rotating drums that tumble the green coffee beans in a current of hot combustion gases; the roasters operate in either batch or continuous modes and can be indirect- or direct-fired. Indirect-fired roasters are roasters in which the burner flame does not contact the coffee beans, although the combustion gases from the burner do contact the beans. Direct-fired roasters contact the beans with the burner flame and the combustion gases. At the end of the roasting cycle, water sprays are used to "quench" the beans. Following roasting, the beans are cooled and run through a "destoner". Destoners are air classifiers that remove stones, metal fragments, and other waste not removed during initial screening from the beans. The destoners pneumatically convey the beans to a hopper, where the beans are stabilize and dry (small amounts of water from quenching exist on the surface of the beans). This stabilization process is called equilibration. Following equilibration, the roasted beans are ground, usually by multi-stage grinders. Some roasted beans are packaged and shipped as whole beans. Finally, the ground coffee is vacuum sealed and shipped.

Additional operations associated with processing green coffee beans include decaffeination and instant (soluble) coffee production. Decaffeination is the process of extracting caffeine from green coffee beans prior to roasting. The most common decaffeination process used in the United States is supercritical carbon dioxide (CO2) extraction. In this process, moistened green coffee beans are contacted with large quantities of supercritical CO2 (CO2 maintained at a pressure of about 4,000 pounds per square inch and temperatures between 90° and 100°C [194° and 212°F]), which removes about 97 percent of the caffeine from the beans. The caffeine is then recovered from the CO2, typically using an activated carbon adsorption system. Another commonly used method is solvent extraction, typically using oil (extracted from roasted coffee) or ethyl acetate as a solvent. In this process, solvent is added to moistened green coffee beans to extract most of the caffeine from the beans. After the beans are removed from the solvent, they are steam-stripped to remove any residual solvent. The caffeine is then recovered from the solvent, and the solvent is re-used. Water extraction is also used for decaffeination, but little information on this process is available. Decaffeinated coffee beans have a residual caffeine content of about 0.1 percent on a dry basis. Not all facilities have decaffeination operations, and decaffeinated green coffee beans are purchased by many facilities that produce decaffeinated coffee.
In the manufacture of instant coffee, extraction follows the roasting and grinding operations. The soluble solids and volatile compounds that provide aroma and flavor are extracted from the coffee beans using water. Water heated to about 175°C (347°F) under pressurized conditions (to maintain the water as liquid) is used to extract all of the necessary solubles from the coffee beans. Manufacturers use both batch and continuous extractors. Following extraction, evaporation or freeze-concentration is used to increase the solubles concentration of the extract. The concentrated extracts are then dried in either spray dryers or freeze dryers. Information on the spray drying and freeze drying processes is not available.

Fadillah Satria

Bagan Roasting Kopi - (warna dan rasa)

Roast Colour Chart

Selasa, 03 Desember 2013

Rasa pada KOPI Roasted!

Flavour compounds in roasted coffee

Chemical compounds present in roasted coffee can be roughly grouped into volatile and non-volatile, some of the former being responsible for aroma and the latter for the basic taste sensations of sourness, bitterness and astringency (Buffo & Cardelli-Freire 2004). Russwurm reported that carbohydrates, proteins, peptides and free amino acids, polyamines and tryptamines, lipids, phenolic acids, trigonelline, and various non-volatile acids in the green coffee beans were involved in the flavour formation during roasting (Russwurm 1970). For example, chlorogenic acid contributes to body and astringency; sucrose contributes to color, aroma, bitterness, and sourness; minor protein components like free amino acids are highly reactive by interacting with reducing sugars, which make the Maillard reaction happen; triogenlline generates pyridine and may be consequently be responsible for some objectionable flavours; and caffeine can be contributed to the bitterness (Flament 2002).

Maillard reactions have been identified to be the major pathway in the formation of volatile compounds in coffee roasting (Shibamoto 1991). In the Maillard reaction, reducing sugars such as glucose or fructose react with free amino acids to form N-substituted glycosylamine adducts, which are then rearranged to aminoketones and aminoaldoses by Amadori and Heynes rearrangements. A complex reaction cascade of Amadori and Heynes rearrangement products leads to numerous volatile compounds and complex melanoidins.

More than 800 volatile compounds have already been identified in roasted coffee, among which, about 40 compounds are responsible for the characteristic aroma of coffee (Belitz et al. 2009). 

(1) Proteins, peptides and amino acids: Crude protein content is relatively stable during roasting, while the free amino acids decrease by 30%, with dark roast espresso reaching up to 50% (Belitz et al. 2009). Protein content plays an important role in espresso coffee as it affects the foamability of the beverage that the foamability increased generally with increase total protein concentration until a maximum value is reached (Nunes et al. 1997). The composition of the amino acids vary dependent on their thermal stability and reactions involved. For instance, changes in glutamic acid content are less dramatic as compared to cysteine and arginine. The latter amino acids tend to deplete rapidly during roasting due to their involvement in Maillard browning reactions (Illy & Viani 2005).

(2) Carbohydrates: Only traces of free mono and disaccharides in green coffee remain after roasting. Cellulose, hemicellulose, arabinogalactan and pectins play important roles in the retention of volatiles and contribute to coffee brew viscosity. It is reported that in espresso coffee, the foam stability is related to the amount of galactomannan and arabinogalactan (Nunes et al. 1997).

(3) Non-volatile lipids and lipid-solubles: Triglycerides, terpenes, tocopherols and sterols contribute to brew viscosity. The lipid fraction tends to be stable and survive the roasting process with only minor changes. Linoleic and palmitic acids are the predominant fatty acids in coffee. Cafestol and kahweol are diterpenes that degrade by the roasting process. Another diterpene, 16-O-methylcafestol, is present in Robusta but not Arabica coffee, making it a suitable indicator for detecting Robusta content in coffee blend (Speer et al. 1991; Belitz et al. 2009).

(4) Caffeine: Caffeine is of major importance with respect to the physiological properties of coffee, and also in determining the strength, body and bitterness of brewed coffee. The caffeine content of green coffee beans varies according to the species that Robusta coffee contains about 2.2%, and Arabica about 1.2%. Environmental and agricultural factors appear to have a minimal effect on caffeine content. During roasting there is no significant loss in terms of caffeine (Ramalakshmi & Raghavan 1999). However, caffeine content per 177 mL (6 oz) of coffee range from 50 to 143 mg, depending on the mode of preparation(Rogers & Richardson 1993; Bell et al. 1996). Bell and others (Bell et al. 1996) reported that more coffee solids, larger extents of grinding, and larger volumes of coffee prepared at a constant coffee solids to water ratio led to significantly higher caffeine content. Home-grinding yielded caffeine content similar to that of store-ground coffee, and boiled coffee had caffeine contents equal to or greater than filtered coffee (Bell et al. 1996).

(5) Acids: Acids are responsible for acidity, which together with aroma and bitterness is a key contributor to the total sensory impact of a coffee beverage. Carboxylic acids, mainly citric, malic and acetic acids are responsible for acidity in brewed coffees. Arabica coffee brews are more acidic (pH 4.85-5.15) than Robusta brews (pH 5.25-5.40) (Vitzthum 1975).

(6) Melanoidins: The final products of the Maillard reaction between amino acids and monosaccharides, are the brown-coloured substances that impart to roasted coffee its characteristic color, possess antioxidant activity, and affect on the flavor volatiles (Hofmann & Schieberle 2001; Del Castillo et al. 2002; Vignoli et al. 2011).

Source : Physicochemical Changes of Coffee Beans During Roasting

Fadillah Satria

Minggu, 01 Desember 2013

Perubahan struktur kimia saat meroasting KOPI!

Changes in Chemical Compositions during Roasting

Roasting causes a net loss of matters in the forms of CO2, water vapor, and volatile compounds. Moreover, degradation of polysaccharides, sugars, amino acids and chlorogenic acids also occurred, resulting in the formation of caramelization and condensation products. Overall, there is an increase in organic acids and lipids, while caffeine and trigonelline (N-methyl nicotinic acid) contents remained almost unchanged (Buffo & Cardelli-Freire 2004). The main acids present in green beans are citric, malic, chlorogenic, and quinic acids. During roasting the first three acids decrease while quinic acid increases as a result of the degradation of chlorogenic acids (Ginz et al. 2000). Formic and acetic acids yields increase up to the medium roasting degree and then begin to fall as roasting is continued. According to Balzer (Balzer 2001), a rapid increase in titratable acidity during roasting was observed from green to medium roast, followed by a smaller decrease as roasting proceeded.

The reaction products formed are highly dependent on the roasting time-temperature profile used. Excessive roasting produces more bitter coffee lacking satisfactory aroma, whereas very short roasting time may be insufficient to develop full organoleptic characteristics (Yeretzian et al. 2002; Lyman et al. 2003; Buffo & Cardelli-Freire 2004). Although the majority of phenolic antioxidants naturally occurring in coffee bean are lost during roasting, the formation of other antioxidants from Maillard reactions during roasting can enhance the antioxidant activity of coffee. Compared to medium roast coffee, dark roast coffee exhibited lower radical scavenging activity than medium roasted coffee due to the degradation of polyphenol, and thus the antioxidant activity will also depend on roasting severity and type of coffee (Giampiero Sacchetti 2009).

The profile of organic compounds generated during roasting is very dynamic and complex. Using Proton transfer reaction-Mass spectrometry (PTR-MS) technique, Yeretzian et al. (Yeretzian et al. 2002) simultaneously monitored the evolution of 8 volatile compounds at isothermal conditions as a function of time. They observed a distinctive increase in acetic acid, methyl acetate, and pyrazine concentrations in the headspace, all occurred at the same time. Concomitantly, there was a rapid decrease in water vapor and methanol concentrations. Moreover, these peaks shifted in synchronous manner with the roasting condition. For instance, at 190oC, the above observed changes took place at 19 min but shifted to 30 min when the beans were roasted at 180oC (Yeretzian et al. 2002). Similar observations were observed by Hashim and Chaveron, who concluded that methylpyrazine may be used as an indicator to monitor the roasting progress of coffee beans (Hashim & Chaveron 1995). It has been suggested that the pressure buildup within intact bean cells is comparable to inside an autoclave, which can further complicated the chemical reactions occurred in coffee bean during roasting (Buffo & Cardelli-Freire 2004).

Chemical reactions happened during coffee roasting are very complex, which have not been fully understood. Based on the literature reviewed, we can conclude that the quality of roasted coffee cannot be solely described in terms of physical parameters at the start and end point of roasting, but rather it is dependent on the path taken during the roasting process. To reach a specific flavour profile, not only that precise control of roasting time and temperature is needed, the variety/quality of green beans, cooling, and degassing conditions are expected to be important as well.

Source : Physicochemical Changes of Coffee Beans During Roasting

Fadillah Satria

Meroasting Kopi!

Roasting of coffee beans

Green coffee beans provide neither the characteristic aroma nor flavour of brewed coffee until they are roasted. Moreover, the roasting process increases the value of coffee beans, by 100-300% of the raw material (Yeretzian et al. 2002). Roasting of coffee beans typically takes place at 200-240°C for different times depending on the desired characteristics of the final product. Events that take place during roasting are complex, resulting in the destruction of some compounds initially present in green beans and the formation of volatile compounds that are important contributors to the characteristic of coffee’s aroma. The chemical compositions of green, roasted, and brewed coffee are shown in Figure 1 (Barter 2004).

Briefly, as temperature increases to about 100oC, green coffee beans undergo moisture loss from 8-12% in green coffee beans to about 5% in the roasted coffee beans (Illy & Viani 1998). The smell of the beans changes from herb-like green bean aroma to bread-like, the color turns from green to yellowish, and the structure changes from strength and toughness to more crumbly and brittle. When the internal temperature of beans reaches 100oC, the color darkened slightly for about 20-60 s due to the vaporization of water. At 160-170oC, the beans become lighter in color for about 60-100 s. As roasting continues at this temperature, Maillard and pyrolytic reactions start to take place, resulting in gradually darkening of the beans (Hernandez et al. 2007). The buildup of water pressure, along with the large amount of gases generated causes the cellulose cell wall to crack, giving rise to the so called “first crack”. As heating continues at the roasting temperature (160-170oC), the coffee becomes darker and more rapid popping of coffee bean occurs (“second crack”) as the carbon dioxide (CO2) buildup exceeds the strength of the cellulosic walls of the bean. Finally, after roasting, the fresh roasted coffee beans are quickly cooled to stop roasting (Yeretzian et al. 2002).

The final quality of roasted coffee is influenced by the design of the roasters and time-temperature profiles used. Although heat transfers during roasting can involve conduction, convection, and radiation, convection by far is the most important mode of heat transfer that determines the rate and uniformity of roasting (Baggenstoss et al. 2008). Coffees roasted in fluidized-bed roaster that is almost exclusive based on convective heating can result in low density and high yield coffee (Eggers & Pietsch 2001). On the other hand, coffees roasted in drum roaster that involves mainly conductive heat transfer have less soluble solids, more degradation of chlorogenic acids, more burnt flavour, and higher loss of volatiles than the fluidized bed roasters (Nagaraju et al. 1997).

The effects of time-temperature profile on coffee aroma properties have been reported by Lyman et al. (Lyman et al. 2003). They observed that the medium roasted process (6.5 min to the onset of the first crack and 1.0 min to the onset of the second crack) resulted in good balance of taste and aroma with citrus flavour. However, the “sweated process” (4.5 min to the first crack and 6.5 min to the second crack) resulted in non-uniform bean color and the coffee was “sour, grassy, and underdeveloped”. Reducing the heating rate further by using the “baked process” (11 min to the first crack and 18 min to the second crack) produced coffee of “flat, woody with low brightness and acidity” (Lyman et al. 2003). In another study, Schenker et al. reported that LHC process (150 to 240oC in 270 s; 240oC for 55 s) resulted in the formation of the highest quantities of aroma volatiles, while the long time low temperature (LTLT) approach (isothermal heating at 220oC for 600 s) generated the lowest aroma volatiles. Moreover, the distribution of the 13 volatile compounds monitored was considerably different depending on the roasting profiles used (Schenker et al. 2002).

Depending on the extent of heat treatment, coffee can be largely categorized as light, medium or dark roasts. Light roast process tends to give non-uniform bean color with sour, grassy, and underdeveloped flavour, while medium roast process produces a balanced taste and aroma with citrus flavour. By contrast, dark roast process produces coffee of low acidity sensory profiles (Lyman et al. 2003). Physical characteristics such as temperature, color, and weight-loss are often used as indicators of roast degree. However, these parameters only allow assessment of the flavour profile for coffee roasted under narrow process conditions (Sivetz 1991; Illy & Viani 1995). Other analytical methods for quantifying the degree of roast include ratio of free amino acids (Nehring & Maier 1992), alkylpyrazines (Hashim & Chaveron 1995), and chlorogenic acids content (Illy & Viani 1995). Fobe and others (Fobe et al. 1968) studied changes in chemical composition of Arabica coffee roasted at 230°C at different process times. They reported that as the roasting time increased, the following changes occurred: (1) sugar contents first increased, and then decreased; (2) minimal change in caffeine content; (3) proteins decreased continuously; (4) free fatty acids increased; and (5) unsaponifiable compounds decreased (Fobe et al. 1968).

Source : Physicochemical Changes of Coffee Beans During Roasting

Fadillah Satria

All About Green Coffee Beans (Kopi Beras/Kopi Hijau)

The green coffee beans

The overall quality and chemical composition of green coffee beans are affected by many factors, such as the composition of the soil and its fertilization, the altitude and weather of the plantation, and the final cultivation and drying methods used. Coffee plants are grown in tropical and subtropical regions of central and South America, Africa, and South East Asia, mainly in regions with temperate and humid climates (Schenker 2000). Brazil is by far the largest grower and exporter of green coffee beans in the world followed by Vietnam, Colombia, Indonesia, Ethiopia and India – producing nearly 2.5 million tons of green coffee beans per year (Franca & Oliveira 2009).

The genus coffee belongs to the botanical family of Rubiaceae and comprises more than 90 different species (Davis 2001). However, only Coffea Arabica (Arabica), Coffea canephora (Robusta), and Coffea liberica are of commercial importance (Schenker 2000). Arabica accounts for approximately 64% while Robusta accounts for about 35% of the world’s production; other species with not much commercial value like Coffea liberica and Coffea excelsa represent only 1% (Rubayiza & Meurens 2005). Due to its more pronounced and finer flavour qualities, Arabica is considered to be of better quality and accordingly command higher prices (Valdenebro et al. 1999). 

Coffee cherries are harvested when they become bright-red, glossy, and firm, either by selective hand-picking or non-selective stripping of whole branches or mechanical harvesting. The hand-picking method is very time-consuming, but results in a superior product quality because only ripe cherries are selected. After harvesting, the coffee fruits are separated from the pulp, which is carried out by dry or wet processing (Clarke & Macrae 1987; Illy & Viani 1995). 

The dry process is simple and inexpensive. The whole cherries are dried under the sun in open air, followed by the separation of the hull (dried pulp and parchment) mechanically to yield the green beans. On the contrary, the wet process requires greater investment and more care, but results in a superior coffee quality. In the wet process, the pulp of the coffee cherries, which is made up of exocarp and mesocarp, is removed mechanically, but the parchment remains attached to the beans. After drying either under the sun or in a dryer, the parchment is removed to produce the green coffee beans. Bean size, color, shape, processing method, crop year, and presence of defects, are some of the parameters used to evaluate the quality of green coffee beans (Banks 2002).

Coffee cherries are harvested when they become bright-red, glossy, and firm, either by selective hand-picking or non-selective stripping of whole branches or mechanical harvesting. The hand-picking method is very time-consuming, but results in a superior product quality because only ripe cherries are selected. After harvesting, the coffee fruits are separated from the pulp, which is carried out by dry or wet processing (Clarke & Macrae 1987; Illy & Viani 1995). The dry process is simple and inexpensive. The whole cherries are dried under the sun in open air, followed by the separation of the hull (dried pulp and parchment) mechanically to yield the green beans. On the contrary, the wet process requires greater investment and more care, but results in a superior coffee quality. In the wet process, the pulp of the coffee cherries, which is made up of exocarp and mesocarp, is removed mechanically, but the parchment remains attached to the beans. After drying either under the sun or in a dryer, the parchment is removed to produce the green coffee beans. Bean size, color, shape, processing method, crop year, and presence of defects, are some of the parameters used to evaluate the quality of green coffee beans (Banks 2002). notes of the coffee blend (Parliment & Stahl 1995). Besides contributing to balanced flavour profiles, Robusta coffee is often blended with Arabica for cost reduction purpose. Robusta beans are lower in cost since the crops are more hardy to grow (more resistant to infestation) and easier to harvest (grown in regions of low elevation) than the Arabica counterpart.

Defective beans (black or brown, sour, immature, insect-damaged, split), which represent about 11-20% of coffee production, can impact the flavour of the roasted products. Mazzafera compared the chemical composition of defective beans and non-defective beans. The researcher found that non-defective beans were heavier, had higher water activity, and lower titratable acidity than the defective beans. The content of sucrose, protein, 5-caffeoylquinic acid, and soluble phenols were also higher in non-defective coffee beans (Mazzafera 1999). Nevertheless, the antioxidant level in the defective beans, especially chlorogenic acids, remains high which may be a good source of antioxidant or radical scavenger for other food applications (Nagaraju et al. 1997).

After harvesting, green coffee beans should be dried to 10-14.5% moisture content and stored below 26oC under dry environment (50-75% RH) to maintain the bean quality and to prevent the growth of mould (Gopalakrishna Rao et al. 1971; Kulaba 1981; Betancourt & Frank 1983). Under optimal storage conditions, green coffee beans may be stored for more than 3 years (Bucheli et al. 1998). Usually, green coffee beans are packaged in natural jute, sisal or burlap bags, although high quality beans may be packaged in high barrier synthetic vacuum packages fabricated from synthetic thermoplastic polymers. Cupping is a method to detect the early stages of coffee deterioration. Bucheli and others (Bucheli et al. 1996) reported that glucose was a sensitive marker for green coffee bean quality during storage. Glucose is present only in trace amount of good quality green coffee, and the content will increase when deterioration occurs (Wolfrom & Patin 1965; Bucheli et al. 1996).

Source : Physicochemical Changes of Coffee Beans During Roasting

Fadillah Satria

Introduction KOPI!

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world. Nearly 25 million farmers in 50 countries around the world depend on coffee for a significant part of their livelihoods (Cague et al. 2009). Coffee is the most traded commodity second after oil (Ponte 2002). Among coffee drinkers, the average consumption in the United States is 3.2 cups of coffee per day versus 2.6 cups in Canada (Canada 2003).

A good quality cup of coffee is depended on many factors, such as the quality of green beans, the roasting conditions, the time since the beans are roasted, and the type of water used for brewing. More than 800 volatile compounds have been identified in roasted coffee, where of around 30 compounds are responsible for the main impression of coffee aroma (Baggenstoss et al. 2008).

The overall quality and chemical composition of green coffee beans are affected by many factors, such as the composition of the soil and its fertilization, the altitude and weather of the plantation, the cultivation, and the drying methods used for the beans. Coffee plants are mainly grown in tropical and subtropical regions of central and South America, Africa and South East Asia, in temperate and humid climates at altitudes between 600 and 2500 m (Schenker 2000). The genus coffee belongs to the botanical family of Rubiaceae and comprises more than 90 different species (Davis 2001). However, only C. arabica, C. canephora, and C. liberica are of commercial importance (Schenker 2000). As a result of modem breeding techniques some hybrids of C. arabica and C. canephora have recently been introduced with success. Usually roasted coffee beans from different origins are blended at specific ratios to provide coffee of unique flavour profiles. Often time, coffee beans are blended for the purpose of cost saving.

Coffee cherries are harvested each year when they are bright-red, glossy, and firm. After removing the outer hull, the seeds inside of the cherry are commonly called "green coffee beans". The quality of the green coffee beans is dictated by a number of parameters, including bean size, color, shape, method of drying, crop year, and presence of defects (crack, withered bean, bean in parchment, mouldy bean, etc.).

The unique aroma profiles of coffee are closely related to the time-temperature profile used during roasting. The roasting profiles are chosen to produce high quality coffee which are unique to specific brands and must be strictly controlled to meet consumers’ expectations. Coffee producers rely on sensory and physicochemical characteristic evaluations to assure that roasting takes place at the target process parameters. Industrial scale roasting of coffee beans is mainly achieved by conventional drum roasting, in which beans are heated with hot gas in a horizontal drum, or vertical drums equipped with paddles. Roasting time can range from 3 to 12 min, depending on the temperature used, which is typically between 230 to 250oC. By contrast, fluidized bed roasting is achieved by directing high velocity hot air towards the beans, usually from the bottom of the roaster, to suspend the beans in turbulent air. The hot air temperature ranges from 230 to 360oC (Eggers & Pietsch 2001). The roast temperature determines both flavour formation and structural product properties. Different temperature profiles affect dehydration and the chemical reaction conditions in the bean which control gas formation, browning and flavour development. In general, the use of roasting temperature of greater than 200°C is required in order to result in desirable chemical, physical, structural, and sensorial changes in the coffee beans (Clarke & Macrae 1988; Schenker 2000; Schenker et al. 2002; Baggenstoss et al. 2008). Color change and weight loss are frequently used as a measure of the degree of roast, and both are directly related to the final roasting temperature (Sivetz 1991; Illy & Viani 1995). Other methods, such as the ratios of free amino acids (Nehring & Maier 1992), and chlorogenic acids content (Illy & Viani 1995) have also been used.

Researchers have reported the effects of time-temperature profile on coffee aroma properties. In general, low-temperature-long time roast processes result in sour, grassy, woody, and underdeveloped flavour properties. In comparison, high-temperature-short-time produced the higher quality coffee in terms of producing more aroma volatiles and higher brew yield (Schenker et al. 2002; Lyman et al. 2003). Reviewing these and other literature, one can conclude that the complex changes in coffee during roasting do not solely depend on physical parameters at the start and end point of the thermal process, but rather a path-dependent phenomenon. Therefore, to gain insight into the changes of physicochemical properties of coffee during roasting, the green beans must be roasted under controlled conditions.

Source :
Physicochemical Changes of Coffee Beans During Roasting
Fadillah Satria

Akhir dari Meroasting Kopi - Degassing

After roasting, coffee beans are quenched to remove the residual heat quickly. This process can trap significant amount of CO2 in the bean, thereby lengthens the required time for CO2 degassing. This is a critical step that must be carried out before packaging of roasted coffee to prevent packaging failure due to pressure build up within the package. Conceivably, depending on the method of cooling used, post-roasting carbon dioxide degassing time may be shortened, or even eliminated. For instance, spraying roasted coffee with a controlled amount of water under agitation will remove the residual heat from the coffee beans rapidly due to the latent heat of vaporization of water. The humidified air may increase the rate of CO2 degas. Potentially, this process may be incorporated as part of the roasting regime towards the end of the roast cycle before ejecting the beans from the roaster. Alternatively, slower cooling at temperatures above ambient in an enclosed space will increase the diffusivity of CO2, potentially shortening the duration of the degassing step. Further investigation involving these types of innovative process inventions to shorten or eliminate CO2 degas will simplify the degas storage and packaging requirements of roasted coffee.

Source :
Physicochemical Changes of Coffee Beans During Roasting

Fadillah Satria


Profile Roasting Untuk Kopi Arabika (Hard Bean)

Roasting Profile for Hard Bean Coffee

For hard beans, especially when roasted beyond the second crack, I recommend an “S-curve” for the roasting process. (This is based on endless cupping trials and comparison of different roast profiles). After loading the beans into the drum, the bean probe will display a drop in temperature, which will bottom out at the turning point (TP).  Hard beans will now be roasted with high initial heat. Until the start of the first crack, the heat inside the beans is endothermic; the beans are absorbing the supplied heat. Right before the start of the first crack, the heat inside the beans becomes exothermic and the beans start generating heat. At this point the operator has to reduce energy supply in order to gain control of the roast process (point I). After about two minutes of controlling the roast with low energy supply (less BTU), the operator can again increase heat (endothermic heat; the beans are again absorbing heat) to prepare for the finish of the roast. The start of energy increase can be seen at the point where the temperature curve is rising again (point A). 

During numerous cupping trials, I have found that the ideal time between the start of the first crack and the end of the roast (I and End) is at least three minutes. The ideal roast time for solid drum roasters with
convection heat (airfl ow heat passing through the drum) is 12–15 minutes. With these roasters, roast times longer than 20 minutes will produce baked flavors; roast times shorter than eight minutes will enhance sour notes. For solid drum sample roasters, the roast time can be done in 8–10 minutes. Drum roasters using infrared heat usually allow longer roasting times without affecting the quality of the roasted coffee. Fluid-bed roasting machines, which use the concept of transferring heat through a high-velocity airfl ow at a reduced temperature, usually allow faster roasting times.
After learning roasting the hard way—by using sight, sound and smell—I later discovered the important value of proper measuring tools, such as probes for exhaust, environmental and bean temperature. Anyone who operates a coffee roaster can replicate the experiments I’ve completed over the past years. Learning how to roast each green bean to perfection is just the fi rst step in creating that perfect cup

Fadillah Satria

Sabtu, 30 November 2013

Waktu Dan Suhu Saat Meroasting Kopi Untuk Beberapa Tipe Biji Kopi

Green Bean Types and Time Temperature Profiles
To develop an effective roast protocol, I recommend dividing green coffee beans into the following four categories:

I). Hard bean types: Roast these coffee with high initial heat and moderate heat in the final stage of the roast process. Examples: Kenya AA, Guatemala SHB and almost any coffee grown higher than 5,000 feet.

II). Medium hard bean types: Roast these coffees with moderate initial heat and moderate heat in the fi nal stage. Examples: Brazil, Sumatra, Java and most Latin American coffees grown lower then 5,000 feet.

III). Soft bean types: These coffees should be roasted with low to moderate heat during the entire process. Example: Hawaiian coffees, Caribbean types and beans grown lower than 3,500 feet.

IV). Fresh-crop coffees: These coffees normally have a bean structure that is not settled or hardened yet, especially if the coffee did not have its required resting or curing time. During the first 3–5 minutes, the operator should maintain a moderate roasting temperature, after which the roasting cycle can be continued according to the category indication that was described before. In this case, the roaster operator should attempt to obtain an almost linear roasting curve, with the internal bean temperature increasing proportionally with the roasting time. Notice the remarkable bean expansion shown in picture H. During roasting, coffee beans expand dramatically, and their volume can increase with more than 75 percent.

Fadillah Satria

Pengaruh Kadar Air dan Kerapatan Biji Kopi Terhadap Proses Roasting Kopi

How Green Coffee Quality Affects Roasting

In roasting, the moisture content of the green bean plays an important role. Under normal conditions, green coffee beans have a moisture content of 10–12 percent. The moisture content will fluctuate freely with the relative humidity content of the ambient air. In cities like Amsterdam and San Francisco, relative humidity levels throughout the year are nearly perfect for storing green beans over a length of time, and for slowing down the aging process of green coffee. This also reduces the likelihood that the roaster operator has to change roast profi les to compensate for possible variances in green coffee moisture.

The moisture inside the green beans is partially free or is present as bound moisture and contained in the carbohydrate molecules. bWe can summarize the roasting process as a three-stage cycle:

The drying phase is when the moisture content of the coffee is reduced to about two percent. During this phase, the “free” moisture—the residue of the process from cherry to green bean—evaporates. Free moisture also plays a role in the heat transfer during roasting. As soon as the beans are energized with heat, the bean’s moisture conducts this heat through out the bean. When the internal bean temperature approaches 212 degrees F or 100 degrees C., the free moisture starts evaporating. In the second phase, from the first crack to the second crack, coffee beans develop their specific aromas and flavors, which, as coffee tasters know, can produce a very complex taste profile. At the end of the second phase, all free moisture has evaporated. The length of the second phase depends on the roasting degree, which can vary from region to region and from product to product. With very dark roasts, there is also a third phase which starts when the second crack is almost completed. During this phase, carbonization takes place and the bound moisture is destroyed.

Beans with a moisture content of less than 10 percent have a sharply reduced free moisture level and will tend to roast much faster, especially in the first phase. In this case, the roaster operator needs to change the roasting profi le by initiating the roasting process at a lower heat level and by maintaining a lower amount of energy supply (less BTUs) during the first roasting phase.
Beans with a high moisture content (fresh crop coffees can have a moisture content in excess of 14 percent) often require that the roaster operator includes a pre-drying phase before starting the first phase of the process. During pre-drying, it is recommended that the roaster maintains a drum temperature of 300 degrees F or 148 degrees C. with the objective to slowly remove the excess free moisture. The actual phase one of the roasting process can begin as soon as the beans start losing their deep green color.


Lower grown beans generally have a less solid bean structure than higher grown beans. The density of the bean structure is revealed by the shape and the position of the center cut. Bean from Kenya, which was grown at an altitude of at least 5,500 feet or 1650 meters. The center cut is tightly closed and almost seems to be floating in the upper layer of the bean. In sharp contrast, Robusta bean, grown at almost sea level. In this case, the center cut is widely opened and draws like a deep crevasse through the coffee bean.

What is the relationship between bean density and roasting? High-density beans have a denser cell structure and more cells per cubic millimeter than low-density beans. As a result, high-density beans are more resistance to heat, which will be especially noticeable during the first phase of roasting. After the evaporation of free moisture, the color of the coffee beans starts changing from (light) green to yellow to light brown. During this color change, the bean starts expanding. With lowerdensity beans, the centercut will open more quickly, allowing for a faster transfer of heat, which will accelerate the process even further.


Fadillah Satria

Basic of Roasting Coffee - Crack

There are two temperature thresholds called "cracks" that roasters
listen for. At about 205–207 °C, beans will emit a cracking sound. This
point is called "first crack" → bean doubles in size, becomes a light
brown color and experiences a weight loss of approximately 5%. When
the beans are at about 224–227 °C, the beans emit a "second crack."
This is the dividing point between medium and dark roasts.

Ada dua ambang batas suhu yang disebut "cracks" yang roasters dengar
Pada sekitar 205-207 ° C, biji kopi akan memancarkan suara retak. ini
Titik ini disebut "crack pertama" biji kopi ganda dalam ukuran, menjadi
warna coklat dan mengalami penurunan berat sekitar 5%. kapan
kacang berada di sekitar 224-227 ° C, kacang memancarkan "celah kedua."
Ini adalah titik pemisah antara menengah dan gelap.

Fadillah Satria

Rabu, 10 Juli 2013

Coffee Packaging

Freshness is a major determinant of roasted coffee quality and consumer satisfaction. The rate of coffee staling will depend upon the amount of contact with oxygen. Conditions of heat and added moisture will accelerate staling. Moisture-resistant sealed packaging with a minimum of oxygen content is the key to coffee shelf life.

Kesegaran merupakan penentu utama kualitas kopi panggang dan kepuasan konsumen. Tingkat kopi basi akan tergantung pada jumlah kontak dengan oksigen. Kondisi panas dan kelembaban tambah akan mempercepat basi. Segel kemasan dengan minimal kandungan oksigen adalah kunci untuk kehidupan rak kopi.


Staling of coffee occurs gradually as the result of numerous chemical processes affecting the coffee at different rates. The actual amount of time in which these processes take place will depend upon the state of the coffee (whole bean or ground) and conditions of storage (amount of oxygen contact, heat, moisture, and light).

Kopi basi terjadi secara bertahap sebagai hasil dari berbagai proses kimia yang mempengaruhi kopi pada tingkat yang berbeda. Jumlah sebenarnya waktu di mana proses ini berlangsung akan tergantung pada keadaan kopi dan kondisi penyimpanan (jumlah kontak oksigen, panas, kelembaban, dan cahaya).


Jenis Kemasan

One Way Valve Bag

Setiap jumlah oksigen yang diserap oleh kopi akhirnya mengyebabkan kopi menjadi basi. Namun, sebagai hasil dari reaksi gula browning selama pemanggangan, kopi yang baru dipanggang memancarkan karbon dioksida sampai seminggu dalam bentuk ROASTED BEAN keseluruhannya. Untuk alasan ini, kopi kualitas tertinggi biasanya dikemas sesegera mungkin setelah dipanggang dalam kemasan dilaminasi berisi katup satu arah. Katup ini memungkinkan karbon dioksida untuk melarikan diri, tetapi tidak memungkinkan oksigen untuk masuk.

Tidak ada Katup (Tanpa One Way Valve)

Jika kopi yang akan dikemas tidak menggunakan katup (termasuk fraksional dikemas kopi darat), kopi harus beristirahat ("degas" - dihilangkan gasnya) sebelum dikemas. Ini akan mengambil beberapa oksigen selama proses degassing yang akan membatasi umur simpan, tetapi sebaliknya tas akan membengkak dan mungkin pecah, mengekspos kopi untuk tingkat ambien oksigen.

Kandungan oksigen tidak lebih dari 3% dalam paket disarankan. Untuk memastikan kesegaran pada tahap minuman, sebuah "digunakan oleh" yang tercetak pada tas serta nomor kalender Julian dicetak pada kasus untuk kepentingan pengecer mungkin diinginkan. Jika kopi bubuk dikemas untuk melayani individu, berat kopi per paket dapat diukur (lihat "Air ke Coffee Ratio" dalam "Brewing" bagian berikut). Sebenarnya "penggunaan oleh" tanggal tergantung pada standar dari pabrikan.

Kopi Drip Keren

Jumat, 24 Mei 2013

Acuan Harga Kopi Dunia Ada di Bursa RI?

Asosiasi Eksportir Kopi Indonesia (AEKI) optimis kontrak komoditi kopi dapat masuk dan berjalan di bursa berjangka komoditi di Indonesia. Menurut Wakil Ketua Umum Bidang Spesialis dan Industri AEKI, Pranoto Soenarto,Indonesia akan mampu memboyong produk biji bahan bubuk minuman itu ke dalam bursa berjangka.
“Kami berusaha mengajak pemain kopi Vietnam untuk bermain berjangka di Indonesia, kami optimis dan berharap pusatnya Indonesia," kata Pranoto Soenarto, di Jakarta, baru-baru ini.

Menurut Pranoto, Vietnam sebagai produsen kedua terbesar setelah Brazil, tidak melakukan perdagangan khusus di bursa berjangka global. Padahal, negara indocina itu merupakan pemain kopi robusta besar yang berpotensi menjadi penentu harga perdagangan internasional.

"Kalau Vietnam setuju [bertransaksi di bursa berjangka di Indonesia) maka bisa back up sekitar 1,6-1,7 juta ton dengan punya kita 700 ton. Nah,  kalau digabung jadi besar dan bisa jadi leader bahkan patokan harga juga," tambahnya.

Untuk itu, Pranoto berharap dukungan pemerintah terkait dengan penentuan standar kualitas kopi dan kebijakan yang mendukung kontrak berjangka kopi. “Apalagi

Indonesia sebagai penyetor robusta memiliki potensi untuk menggiring harga global,”  kata Pranoto.
Seperti diberitakan sebelumnya, Jakarta Futures Exchange (JFX) direncanakan meluncurkan kontrak komodoti kopi, batubaradan karet pada tahun 2013.  “Target  JFX pada 2013 akan meluncurkan kontrak berjangka komoditi batubara, karet dan kopi,” kata Direktur JFX, Bihar Sakti Wibowo kepada, Akhir tahun lalu

Kopi Spesial Indonesia Menjadi Primadona di Amerika Serikat

Amerika Serikat merupakan salah satu negara tujuan utama ekspor kopi spesial (Specialty coffee) Indonesia. Kopi dengan cita rasa khas dari daerah tertentu di Indonesia dan cukup terkenal di dunia itu antara lain kopi Takengon Aceh, kopi Mandailing Sumatera Utara, kopi Toraja Sulawesi Selatan, kopi Kintamani Bali, kopi Bajawa Flores, kopi Baliem Papua, dan kopi Luwak Jawa.

Hal tersebut diungkap oleh Wakil Ketua Asosiasi Eksportir dan Industri Kopi Indonesia (AEKI), Pranoto Soenarto saat berlangsungnya kontes Kopi Spesial Indonesia di Kuta Bali, Senin ( 22/10/12).

Menurut Pranoto, dari 180.000 ton per tahun ekspor specialty coffee Indonesia, 20 persennya di ekspor ke Amerika Serikat.

Sedangkan negara lain yang menjadi tujuan ekspor kopi spesial Indonesia adalah Australia, Jepang dan Jerman.

Specialty coffee Indonesia sangat diminati karena bercita rasa khas Indonesia seperti rasa rempah-rempah, dimana rasa rempah-rempahnya berasal dari penyerbukan bunga kopi. Hal itu terjadi karena sebagian besar perkebunan kopi di Indonesia berdekatan dengan kebun rempah-rempah.

“yang pasti rasanya rempah-rempah, macam-macam bunga dari kopi kita itu berasal dari masing-masing tempat memiliki varian yang berbeda-beda. Rasanya sangat nikmat karena ditentukan dari kultur tanah, ketinggian dan banyaknya gunung berapi di Indonesia,” papar Pranoto Soenarto.

Secara umum hampir 100 persen produksi kopi arabika Indonesia adalah jenis specialty coffee dan harganya 5 kali lebih tinggi dari kopi robusta.  Saat ini harga rata-rata specialty coffee antara 8-11 dolar per kilogram.

Sementara itu, Komisaris Utama PT. Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) XII, Delima Azhari mengemukakan kepada Jia Xiang Hometown bahwa tantangan terbesar dalam mengembangkan kopi spesial Indonesia adalah peningkatan produksinya. Sekarang produksi kopi spesial Indonesia sangat rendah yaitu sekitar 0,7 ton per hektar per tahun. Padahal jika produksi dikembangkan dengan optimal bisa mencapai 1 ton per hektar per tahun.

Selain itu tantangan dalam mengembangkan specialty coffee Indonesia adalah menjaga kualitas karena kopi spesial yang tumbuh di kawasan tertentu tidak dapat berkembang maksimal bila ditanam di kawasan berbeda.

Kasubdit Promosi Luar Negeri Direktorat Jenderal Pengolahan dan Pemasaran Hasil Pertanian Kementerian Pertanian, Nyoman Widhi Adnyana mengatakan bahwa  selama ini hampir 90 persen perkebunan kopi di Indonesia masih dikelola dalam bentuk perkebunan skala kecil dan pengetahuan petani tentang specialty coffee juga masih terbatas.

Indonesia saat ini menjadi penghasil kopi terbesar ketiga setelah Brasil, dan Vietnam . Total produksi kopi di Indonesia pertahun rata-rata 700.000 ton dan volume ekspor per tahun mencapai 400.000 ton.

Tahun ini ekspor kopi Indonesia ditargetkan 1,2 miliar dolar AS dengan volume produksi keseluruhan kopi robusta dan arabika sekitar 900 ribu ton. [JX/Dearna]

Pengembangan Lahan Menjadi Kendala Investasi Kopi

liputanBISNIS (JAKARTA) – Minimnya pengembangan lahan menjadi salah satu kendala penambahan investasi kopi di Indonesia dan komoditas tersebut menjadi sumber penghasil devisa negara.

“Untuk tahun ini, para produsen kopi pesimistis untuk menambah investasi karena kurangnya lahan yang menjadi perebutan di komoditas perkebunan seperti kelapa sawit, kakao, dan gula,” kata Ketua Kompartemen Speciality Coffee Asosiasi Eksportir Kopi Indonesia (AEKI), Pranoto Soenarto di Jakarta, Selasa (22/1/2013).

Pelaku usaha kopi, menurut Pranoto, mengusulkan untuk menambah pengembangan kebun kopi di daerah-daerah tertentu seperti Sulawesi, Jawa, dan Sumatera.

“Kebun kopi yang ada saat ini untuk jenis robusta berada di daerah Sumatera Selatan, Jawa Timur, dan NTB. Sementara kopi jenis arabica dikembangkan di daerah Sumatera Utara, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, dan Jayapura,” paparnya.

Pemerintah menargetkan produksi kopi tahun ini naik 16% menjadi 763.000 ton dibanding 2012 sebesar 657.138 ton.

Realisasi produksi kopi nasional tahun lalu memang lebih rendah dari target yang ditetapkan karena faktor cuaca.[int/winsah]