Minggu, 01 Desember 2013

Akhir dari Meroasting Kopi - Degassing

After roasting, coffee beans are quenched to remove the residual heat quickly. This process can trap significant amount of CO2 in the bean, thereby lengthens the required time for CO2 degassing. This is a critical step that must be carried out before packaging of roasted coffee to prevent packaging failure due to pressure build up within the package. Conceivably, depending on the method of cooling used, post-roasting carbon dioxide degassing time may be shortened, or even eliminated. For instance, spraying roasted coffee with a controlled amount of water under agitation will remove the residual heat from the coffee beans rapidly due to the latent heat of vaporization of water. The humidified air may increase the rate of CO2 degas. Potentially, this process may be incorporated as part of the roasting regime towards the end of the roast cycle before ejecting the beans from the roaster. Alternatively, slower cooling at temperatures above ambient in an enclosed space will increase the diffusivity of CO2, potentially shortening the duration of the degassing step. Further investigation involving these types of innovative process inventions to shorten or eliminate CO2 degas will simplify the degas storage and packaging requirements of roasted coffee.

Source :
Physicochemical Changes of Coffee Beans During Roasting

Fadillah Satria


1 komentar:

  1. Dear,Import Dept,
    Dengan Hormat,
    Perkenankan kami PT. INTI PRAKARSA LOGISTIK adalah perusahaan Jasa Import Specialist dalam bidang Jasa Customs Clearance di Kepabeanan baik via Bandara maupun Pelabuhan di seluruh Nusantara.
    Bersama ini kami PT. INTI PRAKARSA LOGISTIK berminat untuk bermitra dengan perusahaan Bapak/Ibu dalam bidang Jasa sebagai berikut :

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    6. Untuk semua jenis barang termasuk Dangerous, Cargo atau Personal
    7. Jasa EDI/PPJK


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    Bag VII (HS NO. 3901 s/d 4017) PLASTIK
    Bag VIII (HS NO. 4101 s/d 4304) KULIT
    Bag X (HS NO. 4701 s/d 4911) KERTAS
    Bag XII (HS NO. 6401 s/d 6704)ALAS KAKI
    Bag XIII (HS NO. 6801 s/d 7020) KACA
    Bag XV (HS NO. 7201 s/d 8311) BESI BAJA
    Bag XVI (HS NO. 8401 s/d 8548) MESIN
    Bag XVII (HS NO. 8601 s/d 8908) KENDERAAN AIR
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    Bag XX (HS NO. 9401 s/d 9619) BARANG HASIL PABRIK

    Best regards,

    Sea & Air
    INTI Kargo / Jln. Dewi Sartika No. 148, Jakarta 13630 Indonesia
    Email : andika.intikargo@gmail.com
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